Instruction Macros

An instruction macro is a type of macro that can expand to an arbitrary number of instructions. This is useful for defining routines that are repeated many times or routines with expressions that are parameterized.

Defining an Instruction Macro

Instruction macros can accept an arbitrary number of parameters. Parameters are referenced within the macro definition by prepending $ to the parameter's name.

fn main() {
extern crate etk_asm;
let src = r#"
%macro my_macro()
    push1 42

%macro sum(x, y, z)
    push1 $x+$y+$z
let mut ingest = etk_asm::ingest::Ingest::new(Vec::new());
ingest.ingest(file!(), src).unwrap();

Using a Instruction Macro

Expression macros can be invoked anywhere an instruction is expected.

fn main() {
extern crate etk_asm;
let src = r#"
%macro my_macro()
   push1 42
%macro sum(x, y, z)
    push1 $x+$y+$z
%sum(1, 2, 3)
let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut ingest = etk_asm::ingest::Ingest::new(&mut output);
ingest.ingest(file!(), src).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, &[0x60, 0x2a, 0x60, 0x06]);