Assembler: eas

The assembler command converts human-readable mnemonics (ex. push2, caller) into the raw bytes the EVM interpreter expects, encoded in hexadecimal. In addition to this conversion, the assembler performs transformations on the source in the form of expression- and instruction- macros, which we'll get into later.

Invoking the assembler is pretty simple:

eas input.etk output.hex

The input argument (input.etk here) is the path to an assembly file, and is required. output.hex is the path where the assembled instructions will be written, encoded in hex. If the output path is omitted, the assembled instructions are written to the standard output.

A Note on Paths

The input argument determines the root of the project. If /home/user/foobar/main.etk is the input argument, the root would be /home/user/foobar. Only files within the root directory can be included or imported.